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Submitted by: Mary Finger
Insurance coverage concerns were expressed by a friend who is about to embark on a trip overseas not to mention concern about inoculations. In this case, her doctor recommended medicines against tetanus and hepatitis. Taking this inveterate traveler into consideration, you will be advised to take the shots, make a couple of phone calls, and have a good trip. If you want the latest information on the health situation abroad then you need to place a call to the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta and if you want further advice regarding health issues or other important warnings ranging from crime statistics to political unrest that might affect your travels then you should consult with the State Department’s Citizens Emergency Center in Washington.
When no inoculations are required, vaccines will be able to do as much to allay underlying anxieties as to assure good health while you travel abroad. In this case, this will help you gain peace of mind considering that you will be traveling far from hearth and home. Here, you might also be thinking about whether or not you need extra insurance coverage. Here, the answer should be a matter of common sense considering that it is a healthy question. In terms of the kind of insurance coverage to purchase, deciding should involve a consideration of your itinerary.
In this case, you might be traveling alone or as part of a small group of travelers and you can have a lifeline in extra medical coverage if you are going to a remote and primitive part of the world where there are no hospitals, no medical supplies, few physicians, and where you are not likely to find anyone who speaks English. But if you are planning a trip down to Stockholm where medical facilities are sophisticated and physicians are abundant and where English is a second language then added insurance is more of reassuring than necessary. With regard to this, what you can choose from is a broad spectrum of travel insurance plans.
In terms of travel insurance plans, there are two categories which are medical coverage and travel assistance plans. If you have medical coverage, you will be able to pay for medical treatment such as emergency surgery, hospitalization, and prescription drugs. In this case, what are covered by travel assistance include health related emergencies such as patient evacuation to a nearby hospital, travel costs for family or friend to a patient’s bedside, repatriation of children stranded abroad by illness of a parent or guardian, and referral to English speaking physicians. Here, translators’ fees, lost luggage, and legal referrals are also part of the coverage. What some companies provide single adults are plans ranging from $35 to about $60 for a 14 day policy. Before buying anything, you should compare several plans that vary substantially when it comes to the benefits offered by insurance agencies. Compare various policy limits on non-emergency situations, pre-existing conditions, accidental death, dismemberment, flight delay and trip cancellations and subscriber access to 24 hour telephone customer service hot lines.
Another thing you should check is whether your current policies are valid for travel within the United States. You should also know how far you must be from home for the policy to become effective. To avoid duplicating any new offers for medical and property loss benefits, carefully read your regular personal health and homeowner’s insurance policies before signing any contract.
About the Author: More information on the topic of travel insurnace and cover is located at
for annual travel insurance.More expert travel insurnace and cover information is located at
for cheap holiday insurance.
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